Sunday, December 4, 2011

New room at Artmil

It isn't finished but very usable now since we got it painted and added rugs and furnishings. The bottom photo of Dennis between two pop-ups for Blue Mountain Station was staged in the room before he traveled to Dayton to speak to the Chamber of Commerce there on November 4th. Since these photos were taken, we've butted the carpets together.

Blue grass jam

One of the regular jammers had a birthday so invited everyone to come to Round Table Pizza in Pasco to eat, talk and jam. Arthur is pictured with his play buddy, Robert, while the other photo captures most of the jammers there that evening a few weeks ago.

More quilts


Micah Miller received the top quilt pictured here from me when I sent the second one to his brand new sister, Makayla. Micah and Makayla are the children of my nephew Ryan Miller and his wife Ale, stationed in sunny Florida. The third quilt in this post I made for Chloe Deter, expected to be born in January to Sarah and Matt Deter here in the Tri-Cities.